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Leadership is a big, vague, amorphous topic. We can write about great leaders at great length. But practically speaking, how do you become one?


A good start is to focus on leadership styles. Daniel Goleman, who popularized the notion of "emotional intelligence", has described the following six different styles that leaders use to motivate others。

首先最好是关注领导方式。推广了“情商”概念的戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman),曾把领导者用以激励他人的方式归为后面说到的六类。

Our view is these are not mutually exclusive. You don t need to adopt one and ignore the others. Rather, the best leaders move among these styles, using the one that meets the needs of the moment. Think of them all as part of your management repertoire。


1.Visionary. This style is most appropriate when an organization needs a new direction. Its goal is to move people towards a new set of shared dreams. "Visionary leaders articulate where a group is going, but not how it will get there - setting people free to innovate, experiment, take calculated risks," writes Goleman.


2.Coaching. This one-on-one style focuses on developing individuals, showing them how to improve their performance, and helping to connect their goals to the goals of the organization. Coaching works best with employees who show initiative and want more professional development. But it can backfire if it s perceived as "micromanaging" an employee, and undermines his or her self-confidence.

